Run on sentence from Corey Ransberg on Vimeo.

We know constantly reading about the latest oil spill or horrifying report on the impacts of fracking can be emotionally taxing.That’s why we wanted to share this video of the week that has nothing to do with fracking!

For us cultural and activism go hand in hand. Whether that means using music and film to help get the word out, or just listening to a great band to unwind after a week of gathering petition signatures and organizing screenings.

So today, we just wanted to share some great music from our friends with all of our other friends around the world.

We’re also very excited to announce that we’re working on a new project that will combine culture, activism and the development of renewable energy so stay tuned for that, and in the meantime kick off your weekend right with some great music!

So have a great weekend. Keep on making movies and music. Keep on fighting for a better future.

-Lee Ziesche, Gasland Grassroots Coordinator

To hear more music from Run on Sentence check out their website here.