“It is unthinkable, reprehensible and indefensible for the Delaware River Basin Commission to issue regulations that would allow for large scale fracking in the Delaware River Basin. It is an act that betrays the DRBC’s mission to protect the Delaware River, the source of drinking water for 15 million people, and borders on the criminally negligent.  This is truly a “watershed” moment for President Obama as it is becoming clearer that the administration will have the deciding vote on the issue.
What is striking is that President Obama has done nothing to prevent these regulations from being issued in the first place. If President Obama continues down this road and votes to frack the Delaware, he will do it with the world watching and the civil strife and contamination that will result will forever mar his legacy.  Clearly, both the Obama Administration and the DRBC are not listening to the unprecedented numbers that came out against their draft regulations and are kowtowing to big gas in what amounts to a sellout of our public resources for the private gain of the multinational corporations that pollute and contaminate and the banks that finance them.
If anyone needed evidence that our public commissions are bowing to the pressure of big business and that the fundamental principles of the democratic process in America is in trouble, this is it.  There is no public comment on this disastrous plan to allow big gas to take over the river basin which will force the huge numbers of people opposed to this plan into the streets to protest. Along with dozens of national and local organizations I am calling upon the Obama Administration and the Governors of New York, New Jersey, Delaware and Pennsylvania to unequivocally reject this proposal and ban fracking in the Delaware River Basin and I am calling upon citizens to come out and protest this motion to forever industrialize and contaminate the watershed on November 21st at the DRBC’s meeting in Trenton, NJ.”